The IE-CakePro1000 V4.0 is the next generation Direct to Food ½ version of our A2 format (375x600mm) CakePro1000 Direct to Food ½ edible ink printer which can print directly onto confectionary products with a maximum thickness of 11cm such as chocolate, cakes, sugar pastry, biscuits and much more. The IE-DirectPrint 1000 V4.0 is equipped with 4 XL refillable cartridges (and includes 8 cartridges including 4 edible ink cartridges and 4 cleaning cartridges). Its versatility, speed and high performance make the IE-DirectPrint 1000 V4.0 one of a kind. Less bulky and simple to use, it is particularly suitable for both artisan laboratories and small bakeries.
Printable Area: 37.5cm x 60cm
Max media Height: 11cm
Printing time at 720x720dpi: 5 minutes
Printable media: Cakes, biscuits, cookies, macarons, fondant, icing, donuts, chocolate, confetti, and more
Dimensions: 88x88x33cm
Weight: 84lb/38kg